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“Football brings everyone together” – Daniel Mossie

“Football brings everyone together” – Daniel Mossie

By Taylor Murray

This Saturday will see a key member of the Albion Rovers’ family time come to an end as they move on to an exciting new opportunity.
From ball boy to stadium announcer and then to club coach and scout Daniel Mossie bids farewell to the Wee Rovers on Saturday.
Those who attend Rovers games or have visited the iconic stadium in Coatbridge will have been familiar with the voice that rings around the ground when the team lines are being announced, that is Daniel Mossie.
Now after almost 20 years, he will be bidding farewell to The Reigart Stadium for a final time this Saturday before moving to West Lothian to take up the role as a scout for Livingston, where he will work under former Rovers Assistant Manager, Tony McMinn.
Daniel was part of a team in 2009 that started the club’s social media channels as he looked to reach a wider audience and keep those informed who may have not been able to make the game, with the Rovers one of the few teams to begin using social media channels to connect with fans at the time.
In his natural, unserious self, Daniel said that the account was always aimed at “being out of the box” and “having a laugh” as well as maintaining a professional approach.
Speaking to Social Media Executive, Taylor Murray, Daniel was emotional when looking back on his time at Cliftonhill.
“It was a long time ago now that I was a ball boy, easily 20 years ago.” The Rovers scout said.
He went on to say: “Being young and having the chance to chat to players that you looked up to and watched every week was a good feeling, and that was what I think I loved about being a ball boy.
“When I reached my teenage years, I wanted to get involved more with the club and being part of the clean-up days has always been fun as it allows you to connect with everyone in the club.
“The reason the Twitter started was because it was a new exciting way to reach fans and have a bit of banter with folk, it also helped us get closer to fans as a club.
“It wasn’t just me. Having people like Stephen McEwan showing me what to do with Facebook and Sam Tennent too was huge.

“The Q&A sessions we had were popular and they were brilliant to do as it done what I mentioned earlier, brought the club and fans together.
“It was something (Twitter) that we just saw was growing and we thought that jumping on it early and being part of was the right thing to do, and it is now in great capable hands.
“I brought in Ben Kearney originally to help take photos but soon he was helping with the social media, and he was a huge help for me to in taking it to the next level.”
Daniel always had an interest in coaching and scouting, and when he was presented with the opportunity to recommend players for the club he took it with both hands.
Some of the players he helped come to the club were Ryan McManus who now plays at Rutherglen Glencairn in the West of Scotland League, as well as former Motherwell and current Queen’s Park player, Connor Shields to name a few.

He said that he always looked taking the opportunity to tap into local talent as he knew there were brilliant players in the community who just needed an opportunity.
Now looking at Saturday, the Rovers scout says it will be an “emotional” day as takes in the last game as someone who works at the club but notes that he is excited to keep coming back as a fan.
He said: “It is defiantly going to be emotional for me, even writing my message on the pro boards was hard because it has been something that has been part of me for a long time.
“From the clean-up days, training, matchdays and so on, it is all things I will miss as it was always great speaking to everyone and socialising with people.
“I just want to say a thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way from the board to the players who I have spoken to and coached. You have all helped me along the way and it is thanks to you that I have been able to do what I love.
“This is an opportunity that I couldn’t turn down and one that I really want to take as you never know what can happen in football.
“Football brings everyone together, and that is what I love about it because it is true.
“As cliché as it sounds it is an end of an era for me but excited for the next chapter.
“Just know that I will be back as a fan and will always be watching when I can.”

In a goodbye post on the pro board Daniel also said:”After 20 years at the club I love Albion Rovers I will be stepping down from all my duties and my last game fully involved will be this Saturday vs Stenhousemuir.
“I never thought in my wildest dreams I’d ever be part of a professional football and have soo many roles with such a fantastic Club.
“I started as a ball boy at the age of 10, went on to help create all the social media accounts that are all active today with a huge following and now ran far better than when I did it by Ben, Taylor, Connor and the rest of the fantastic media team.

“When I was 19 I took up a role which then made me the voice of club and as “The Youngest Stadium announcer” in the UK.
“I also took up scouting role with club and helped to bring in players from the local and surrounding areas and along the way helped create an u21s squad which has again brought in players that are with the first team, reserves or on the cusp.
“There is too many names to mention to thank but to every single person at the Club Thank You!
If it wasn’t for the club giving me these opportunities and supporting me with scouting and coaching then it wouldn’t lead me onto the role I will be taking up.
“So where am I going? If you haven’t heard but I will be joining Livingston FC as a scout after Tony McMinn asked me to come on board and join him at the club. I want to go in full focused and grab this opportunity with both hands.
“I am buzzing to be getting started with a premiership club but also bittersweet to be leaving a club that has done so much for me and gave me countless opportunities.
“I will never be a stranger at the Club but it was an opportunity that I couldn’t refuse and when things like that come along, you can never guarantee where it can lead you.

“Thanks again to everyone who has backed me, supported me and taught me. Time for a new challenge and a new chapter.”

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